[:en]Activity Monitor[:fr]Le témoin[:]
[:en]How to represent infinitesimal data, beyond hardware ? This installation (the witness) is designed to help spectator to be attentive to the wifi data activity of one area. It is inspirated from the legendary witness of the activity meter data on PC, designed in a large scale way. It ambition is to be a sensitive help between our data and us. One screen gives a RGB visual effect of the frequency of the data, the other one gives us a visual idea of the data log into the terminal. The activity is converted in acoustic signal, a hypotetical sound of data.
This project was built with processing, with the helpfull hand of Dominique Cunin.[:fr]Témoin d’activité WiFi à échelle humaine avec double projections : signal RVB aléatoire et terminal affichant l’activité des données WiFi in situ, diffusion sonore indiquant la masse des paquets de données qui transitent via le réseau. Vidéo du projet ici.[:]