[:en]The landscape born from a distance between oneself to the space, to the area (Marc Desportes, Paysages en movement). This idea guides me everyday and is the substrate of my work. This project shows some experimental devices to shows the immediate physical experience of a visit of Google Data Center in Saint-Ghislain in 2013. This project is an attempt to produce a narrative representation of the area, creating relationship between the photographs, the text and the physical moves of the spectator facing the exhibit. The first attempts was on a wall, then on a map of the place, with the possibility to turn around, without ever entering inside the secret place.[:fr]Série de photographies des abords du site Crystal Computing de Google à Saint-Ghislain, en Belgique. Cartographie du site de Crystal Computing retraçant le parcours de prise de vue photographique. Dessin vectoriel, format A0. Exposée à « Une cartographie de la recherche en Design graphique », Biennale de Design Graphique, Chaumont, 2018.[:]